Fairwell 2015, Welcome 2016

Today is the last work in year 2015, usually it’s the day for personal summary.

This year for me, how to say… IS VERY SPECIAL, and i experience to much.

I will not talk about my job work here, because it’s private, but i’ll be grateful for git & github. Git makes my work more effective, and github gives me a platform for self contribution. I guess that you must like it also (^_^)

Also thanks to github pages. Without it, i wrote many docs in intranet wiki platform. Though it’s also very handy, it does not belong to me when the time i decide to leave. So i made a hard decision to transmit these docs from wiki to personal github pages as many as i can. Till now, i guess maybe 20% have been transmitted, so in year 2016, i still need much time for this thing.

If you have visited my github pages, you’ve noticed that there exist 2 big catagories: READING NOTES & WORKING ESSAYS. Next Year, my READING NOTES will inclucde but not limit to:

Spring & SpringMVC(Base)
Git & GitLab
ActiveMQ(MQ & JMS)
Storm(Real-Data Process)
Hadoop(Big-Data Store)
Nginx(Web Proxy Server)
Python relatives(it's a big topic, but python is really terse and powerful)
JavaScript relatives(it's too hot!)

, and my WORKING ESSAYS will include more about the project i’ve done, the open sources i’m interesting in, and personal proposal about a certain problem.

Hope you like it and HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!